Sunday, January 18, 2009


About Emu
The Emu is a ratite, a flightless bird, and is native of Australia. Emu's are related to other flightless birds such as ostriches, cassowarries, New Guinea, Kiwi and rheas.
The emu was exported to the United States in the 1930's. Today, emus are transitioning from a breeder industry to a commercial industry. Their meat, oil, hide, feathers and other products are all in increasing in demand. The increasing demand for Emu products makes it, livestock investment opportunity of the nineties and beyond.
Indians are discovering the profit potential of emus. With a little knowledge in Emu rearing, determination, some advice from pioneers and technical guidence you can also realize these profits.
Here are a few basic facts about our favorite Emu
Height at birth :8 - 10 inches
Adult Height :5 - 6 feet tall
Adult weight :100 - 140 pounds
Colour :Black and Brown
Health :Generally Robust, Hardy
Temperament :Friendly, Docile
Lifespan :30years (appro)
Breeding Method :Mated in pairs
Productive years :Up to 25 years
Eggs per year :
10 to 20 eggs in the first breedingseason, gradually increases up to 20-30 eggs in subsequent breeding seasons
Age at slughter16 – 18 months
Incubation Period :48 - 52 days
Percentage of eggs hatched :Approximately 70 percent
Space per Adult bird600 sft red and hardy soil
Emu Meat
Health conscious consumers around the world, who love meat, are rejoicing ! Why? Because they have discovered Emu meat ! The 98% fat free red meat is rich in protein and iron, yet low in cholesterol. The fat is 43% monounsaturated, which helps lower the 'bad' LDL cholesterol in the human body. Tender, juicy and delicious, it is ideally suited to a wide variety of cooking styles and is a good source. Very nutritious and offering the fewest calories, Emu meat, in fact, is recommended by the American Heart Association as a heart - healthy alternative meat !
It readily accepts marinades, spices and sauces that makes for shorter cooking times, placing the food on the dining table faster. The low fat content means that there is minimal shrinkage while cooking, allowing you to use only 3/4 of the amount of meat you would normally have used.
Emu meat is tender, juicy, and flavourful, it is low in fat and very nutritional compared to others meats, poultry and fish. Emu ranks high in iron and protein and low in cholesterol. Take a look at the following chart for comparisons of nutritonal information.
Dietary Guidelines to a Heart Healthy Lifestyle Recommended by American Heart Association. Comparison of Nutritional Information Serving Size : 100g (3.5 oz)
 EmuChickenLean PorkLamb
Fats (g)2.43.525.023.4 gr
Protein (%)20.920.120.216.6
Energy (kj)446.5125.0147.0--
Iron (mg)
Cholesterol (mg)51.780.065.073 mg
The American Heart Association recently included emu meat in its listing of heart-healthy meats, said Williams, and Barry Sears, internationally-known author of The Zone recently included emu meat in his diet recommendations. So, we were hopeful that emu would be a positive in this study. What we didn't anticipate was emu meat's nutritional values when compared to other meats.
Emu Meat
Health conscious consumers around the world, who love meat, are rejoicing ! Why? Because they have discovered Emu meat ! The 98% fat free red meat is rich in protein and iron, yet low in cholesterol. The fat is 43% monounsaturated, which helps lower the 'bad' LDL cholesterol in the human body. Tender, juicy and delicious, it is ideally suited to a wide variety of cooking styles and is a good source. Very nutritious and offering the fewest calories, Emu meat, in fact, is recommended by the American Heart Association as a heart - healthy alternative meat !
It readily accepts marinades, spices and sauces that makes for shorter cooking times, placing the food on the dining table faster. The low fat content means that there is minimal shrinkage while cooking, allowing you to use only 3/4 of the amount of meat you would normally have used.
Emu meat is tender, juicy, and flavourful, it is low in fat and very nutritional compared to others meats, poultry and fish. Emu ranks high in iron and protein and low in cholesterol. Take a look at the following chart for comparisons of nutritonal information.
Dietary Guidelines to a Heart Healthy Lifestyle Recommended by American Heart Association. Comparison of Nutritional Information Serving Size : 100g (3.5 oz)
 EmuChickenLean PorkLamb
Fats (g)2.43.525.023.4 gr
Protein (%)20.920.120.216.6
Energy (kj)446.5125.0147.0--
Iron (mg)
Cholesterol (mg)51.780.065.073 mg
The American Heart Association recently included emu meat in its listing of heart-healthy meats, said Williams, and Barry Sears, internationally-known author of The Zone recently included emu meat in his diet recommendations. So, we were hopeful that emu would be a positive in this study. What we didn't anticipate was emu meat's nutritional values when compared to other meats.
Emu Facts
EMU ( pronounced ee-mews), native to Australia, are the world's second-largest living members of the ratite ( ra-tight ) family of flightless birds. Others include the ostrich from Africa, rhea ( ree-ha ) from South America, cassowary ( cas-o-werry ) from Australia and New Guinea and Kiwi ( kee-wee), from New Zealand.
EMU were originally imported to the United States from 1930 to 1950 as exotic zoo stock. In 1960, the EMU was designated Australia's national bird, and the Government of Australia was banned the export of the emu’s.
The expanding EMU inventory in the United States in domestically bred. As research and sharing of knowledge increase, the American EMU is emerging as the industry standard. The American breeder market is vigorous and can be made profitable for small and large participants.
EMU are curious and docile. They are about 10-inches tall at birth, with black and white stripes. As 3 months old chicks, they turn nearly solid black and change into a tan, brown and black mixture as adults, some having a bluish neck. The feathers are downy, with no stiff vein running through the center.
The mature EMU is 5 to 6 feet tall and normally weighs 100 to 140 pounds. Flightless, they are strong runners and reach ground speeds of up to 40 miles per hour in short bursts, convering about nine feet in stride.
EMU adopt well from temperature extremes in excess of 100 degrees/F to below zero. No diseases have yet been diagnosed as common to the species. They can exist on a simple diet and require a lot of water, drinking 2 to 4 gallons daily. They also will play in water or mud.
The EMU hen can be productive for 25 years or more and may lay 20 to 30 eggs in a season. A hen may lay as early as 18 months, but normally laying begins at 2 to 3 years old.
Pairs normally breed from October to April, usally produce one egg every three days. Incubation time is 48 - 52 days and the percentage of eggs hatched is apporximately 70 % . Chick survival rates on EMU are excellent. We cannot over emphasize the hardiness of the EMU. These birds have been traced back 80 million years.
The green egg normally hatches in 52 days, producing a chick which will walk within hours and run within days. The chicks achieve rapid growth, gaining their height by one year of age. After six months, the birds have shed most of their feathers for the fluffy, elegant feathers of the adult. For most climate comditions, the birds need shelter during the first few months. The birds are a very hardy and adaptable bird.
For today's INDIA farmers, EMU farming offers an alternative cash crop. With minimal investment in facilities and land area, excellent feed conversion ratio, and an established worldwide market, the EMU will provide a stable cash return to it's owner now and in the years to come.
The Indian Government had in listed emu farming in poultry sector . and also providing loans under venture capital funds.

Emu Meat
Health conscious consumers around the world, who love meat, are rejoicing ! Why? Because they have discovered Emu meat ! The 98% fat free red meat is rich in protein and iron, yet low in cholesterol. The fat is 43% monounsaturated, which helps lower the 'bad' LDL cholesterol in the human body. Tender, juicy and delicious, it is ideally suited to a wide variety of cooking styles and is a good source. Very nutritious and offering the fewest calories, Emu meat, in fact, is recommended by the American Heart Association as a heart - healthy alternative meat !
It readily accepts marinades, spices and sauces that makes for shorter cooking times, placing the food on the dining table faster. The low fat content means that there is minimal shrinkage while cooking, allowing you to use only 3/4 of the amount of meat you would normally have used.
Emu meat is tender, juicy, and flavourful, it is low in fat and very nutritional compared to others meats, poultry and fish. Emu ranks high in iron and protein and low in cholesterol. Take a look at the following chart for comparisons of nutritonal information.
Dietary Guidelines to a Heart Healthy Lifestyle Recommended by American Heart Association. Comparison of Nutritional Information Serving Size : 100g (3.5 oz)
 EmuChickenLean PorkLamb
Fats (g)2.43.525.023.4 gr
Protein (%)20.920.120.216.6
Energy (kj)446.5125.0147.0--
Iron (mg)
Cholesterol (mg)51.780.065.073 mg
The American Heart Association recently included emu meat in its listing of heart-healthy meats, said Williams, and Barry Sears, internationally-known author of The Zone recently included emu meat in his diet recommendations. So, we were hopeful that emu would be a positive in this study. What we didn't anticipate was emu meat's nutritional values when compared to other meats.

Emu oil
A number of studies have been conducted and are currently being conducted throughout the world on facts of the Emu oil, including its composition, benefits, applications in different industries and the resulting properties of compounds formulated with the oil.
Traditionally Emu oil has been used for treatment of muscle and joint pains.
Clinical experience with Emu oil has shown that it's two major benefits are its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to penetrate the skin. It also appears to provide some solar protection.
The penetrating effect appears to be related to its non-phosphorous composition. " Our skin is phospho - lipid deficient. In other words, there is no phosphorous in our skin. If you put anything on your skin that has phosphorous in it, your skin is 'programmed' to keep it from penetrating. Anytime you put anything on your skin that is phospholipid deficent, or has no phosphorous, it penetrates right through ".
Researchers who have analyzed the oil found that there is a compound in oil that they believe is the key to its effectiveness. This compound molecule is believed to be collagen. Collagen is found in chickens and turkeys in a very diluted form. However, the test result on the Emu show this molecule to be present in an extremely concentrated form.
Research and development of Emu oil using in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals is rapidly expanding.
Emu oil has been documented to exhibit the following properties and/or has been used for the following purposes.
Anti - Inflammatory Activity
Cholesterol Reducer
Penetration Enhancer
Signficant epidermal proliferative activity
Non - Comedogenic
Significant wound healing agent
Significantly reduces recent keloid scarring
Appears to promote faster healing of burns with less pain and scarring
Anti - Arthritic Activity
Excellent Emu
     by; palayathamman emu farms,
                     kunjukarukku thottam,
                      perundurai [taluk]
                       reode [dit]
